Green Cleaning

Every day, articles are written about global warming and how if changes are not made soon, we can expect a world with weather changes far worse than we have been experiencing in the last decade.

Whereas the cleaning industry cannot resolve the situation by our own actions, we can do our bit to help.
So, what does Alianza add that is positive in helping to save the planet within green cleaning?

Green Chemicals. We believe less than 30% of the companies in our space use such chemicals but there are many others that don’t and worse claim they do and have harmful chemicals locked in cabinets hiding them from general view. Non green chemicals are ultimately introduced into the waste disposal systems adding to the cost of disposal by local municipalities.

Equipment. Keeping the air clean is critical in an office environment especially for those who suffer from breathing issues. By using HEPA filtered vacuums and buffers Alianza reduces airborne contaminants.

Micro-fiber dusters, mops etc. are designed to collect more dirt, use less water, and provide a better clean. Apart from greasy/oily spills, stripping and refinishing floors, etc. the days of using rags and paper have passed. All micro-fiber towels and mops are color coded to prevent cross contamination (restroom micro-fiber used for window cleaning etc.). A micro-fiber towel has a life span of 2 years.

Dilution Control Stations (DCS) are installed in all clients to ensure there is no waste. Product is mixed correctly. When products are over diluted the staff member spends too much time removing product from the surface. Like washing your car and putting too much soap on the car and spending time, energy and water removing it. Using DCS, chemical costs are better controlled, and water usage reduced. Only a few companies utilize this technology yet with it supply cots increase and more chemicals are disposed of into the environment.

Training. As the adage states “You can a lead a horse to water but can’t make him eat”. Therefore, training of staff is so important within our industry. Our staff completes training designed to make them aware of safety, how to clean, how to clean for the safety of themselves and for the client, correct usage of equipment and supplies, green chemicals etc. Without the training the first 3 bullet points would be a waste thus contributing to issue we all currently face.

Alianza has evolved over time and especially during the Covid crisis to review and adjust cleaning schedules to better meet the ever-changing needs of our clients. It is important not to forget some of the great steps forward that have occurred in the Janitorial field during this time and how the emphasis on professional cleaning has never been so front and center of Cleaning for Health.

As Covid hit, the importance of Touch Point Cleaning-TPC- (areas/objects hands touch frequently) soared to front and center of the industry. It is critical that this activity continues its importance and adjusting cleaning frequencies so that viruses have less chance of impacting our lives again. Alianza works to help alleviate client concerns by customizing schedules and in doing so helping to reduce the potential for viruses to spread.

Humans produce a new generation every 20 years or so; bacteria do it every 20 to 30 minutes, and viruses even faster. Working with existing schedules, modifying procedures and ensuring TPC is fully integrated into the cleaning program, Alianza helps to provide cleaning and disinfection that enables staff to feel safe at work. Always remember that disinfecting without first cleaning renders the disinfecting useless.

360-A Christopher Ave.

Gaithersburg, MD 20879